“Take What You Need” – Idra Novey

Quality of Writing: 9/10

Pace: 7/10

Plot Development: 2/10

Characters: 4/10

Enjoyability: 2/10

Insightfulness: 2/10

Ease of Reading: N/A

Voice Casting: 5/10

Overall Rating: ⭐️

The only good thing about this book was that it was engaging enough to finish it. That’s probably because it was like listening to a train wreck.

What was this book about?

Was it about relationships? Sex? White supremacy? Art? Diversity? Charity? Politics?

Take What You Need was all over the place, and none of the plot points really felt like they went together. The whole book was a manglement itself. There was no satisfying ending. I don’t need a happy ending. I need one that ties the book together enough to make the read feel worth it. If I wanted a rambling story with no end and no climax I would ask a four year old about their day.

This book had no payoff. The entire ending is told in a hypothetical which is not only a weird choice, but very off putting. The book is vaguely political in the worst way and not redeemable. The characters are interesting but not fleshed out enough and not very likable.

One thought on ““Take What You Need” – Idra Novey

  1. Hi Madeline, I really enjoy reading your blog and thought I’d say hi! I was wondering whether you’d consider joining the Reedsy Discovery book review community — I think we could potentially be a good fit. At Reedsy Discovery, we spotlight gems of the indie publishing world, with passionate reviewers who decide which books to recommend to our community. If you think you might like to join us, here’s our application form: https://reedsy.com/discovery/reviewers/apply?source=cf. I’m also happy to chat more via email! You can reach me at hallie@reedsy.com

    All the best, 
    Hallie, Professional Book Nerd @ Discovery


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