“The Evil Within” – Darren Galsworthy

Quality of Writing: 10/10

Pace: 10/10

Plot Development: N/A

Characters: N/A

Enjoyability: 10/10

Insightfulness: 10/10

Ease of Reading: 9/10

Overall Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Something I loved about this book was it’s honesty. Galsworthy didn’t try to make any person look worse or better than they were. They were all just people. Despite his daughter’s nickname, he didn’t paint her as an angel. Nor was Nathan portrayed as a monster from the very beginning. Galsworthy was honest with his own shortcomings as well. Despite the assumed heavy bias on behalf of his daughter, I still felt he was an unbiased narrator.

It’s devastating to know that this is a true story. I can only imagine the horror this family went through because of how well written the book is. The gruesome details were not glossed over, nor was the aftermath where everything seemed to fall apart. I’m so glad they’re starting to get the help they need to recover.

The story drew me in and I hardly came up for air in the ten hours it took me to read it. I was hooked. Despite knowing from the beginning who murdered Becky, there’s still so much to uncover.

Definitely not the book for those who don’t appreciate true crime, but for those who can handle the lowest of humanity, this is definitely a good read.

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